After the death of Abdukarim-biy in 1750, power in the Kokand Khanate passed to his son Abdurakhman-biy and after 10 months the throne passed to his nephew - Irdana-bey ibn Abdurahim-biy. The beginning of his reign is characterized by an intensified struggle for power between representatives of the Mings. In 1752, his brother Bobobek, who ruled for only ten months, temporarily seized power in the country.
In 1753, Irdana-bey again sat on the Kokand throne.
Irdana-bey pursued an active policy of expanding the Kokand Khanate. In alliance with the ruler of the Bukhara Khanate, Muhammad Rakhim Khan (1756-1758), he made a campaign against the Uzbek tribe Yuz. Mukhammad Rakhim Khan was considered his named father.
In 1758, Irdana-biy annexed Ura-Tube to the state.
In 1762, there was a danger of the country being captured by the King Empire. Irdana-bey managed to create an anti-King coalition, which included the founder of the Afghan state, Akhmad Shakh Durrani (1747-1768). This alliance thwarted an attempt to enslave Central Asia by the King Empire. Irdana-bey left no heirs. He had five daughters.
After the death of Irdan-bey in 1762, Suleiman-bek was declared the ruler of the state, who reigned for only a few months. After that, power passed into the hands of the grandson of Abdukarim-bey Narbuta-bey.