Muhammad Aminkhoja, known as Mukimi, was born in 1850 (the exact date of his birth has not yet been established) in Kokand in the family of a hereditary baker Mirzakhoja. The family had five children, among whom Mukimi was the only boy. Mukimi's mother, Aisha-bibi, was a well-educated, poetically gifted woman who knew oral folk art very well. It was thanks to her that Mukimi developed a poetic gift early, she introduced him to classical oriental literature, in the person of Alisher Navoi, Khafiz, Jami, for whom he retained love until the end of his days. He wrote his first poem at the age of ten.
In 1865, Mukimi's mother, who provided him with spiritual support, died. Subsequently, in Mukimi's verses, a shadow of grief always slips over an early deceased mother.
In 1872, after graduating from the Kokand madrasah, Mukimi went to Bukhara to study at the famous Mekhtar-Ayim madrasah. There he perfectly masters the Persian language, the techniques of versification, and expands his knowledge in various sciences. Studying in the madrasah played a very important role in his spiritual development. It is there that he writes a lot, in his poems there is still a lot of imitation of great poets, but through the prism of imitation, an unusual, original voice of the poet is heard.
Mukimi, full of ambitious plans, having finished his studies in 1876, returned to Kokand. In a narrow circle of the Kokand aristocracy, he was greeted with caution, they were not accepted. As the poet himself writes, “It was the rejection of the Kokand aristocracy that allowed me to reconsider my principles and develop new moral and literary views. The disappointment helped me a lot." In the second half of the 1870s, beautifully composed poems of a satirical orientation appear in Mukimi, by which one can understand how much the poet's self-consciousness has increased.
In the early 1880s, Mukimi, with several like-minded people, created the Circle of Young Poets, which was distinguished by an innovative approach to poetry. It included Furkat, Zavki, Kamil, Nisbat and Muhair, who laid the foundation for a new Uzbek realism. But since that time there have also been disagreements between the young poets and the representatives of the old wave of poetry. Literary disputes sometimes turned into a sharp ideological skirmish, and then into political persecution, which many poets of that time were subjected to.
In connection with the death of his father, Mukimi is forced to move to Tashkent to help the family left in his care. The short stay of the poet in Tashkent turned out to be useful for him, it had a beneficial effect on expanding his horizons, establishing his convictions and improving his skills. Despite the innovation, courage and originality of his works, no one publishes them, and Mukimi is left without a livelihood. Because of this, he is forced to sell his father's house and after that live in a madrasah, in a small cell with his son Akbarkhoja. It was there, in the cell of the madrasah, that the poet created his wonderful works that immortalized his name.
Mukimi lived very modestly, in the last years of his life he was engaged in editing and copying books. He died at the age of fifty-three on May 25, 1903.